
Product Quantity
Sugar 260 gr.
All Purpose Flour 400 gr.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 150 ml.
Baking Powder (sachet) 1
Vanillin (sachet) 1
Alchermes Liquor (small glass) 1
Bitter Cocoa Powder 30 gr.
Sea Salt to taste
Milk 230 ml.
Egg 4

Preparation Time

~ 15 min

Baking Time

~ 45/50 min

Level of Difficulty



260 Kcal



Put the eggs, the sugar, the oil, the milk, the vanillin, and salt in a bowl and whisk until light
and fluffy; then slowly add the flour and the baking powder until the dough is homogeneous.

Divide the dough in three equal parts:

 leave one as it is;
 beat in the cocoa in another one;
 add the alchermes liquor to the last one.

Transfer the three parts of the dough in a greased and floured pan for ring cakes,
alternating the colours.

Bake at 170° C for 45/50 minutes.


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